The Premier Destination for News and Insights on Unlisted Shares, Emerging Startups, Luxury Assets, and Real Estate.
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Trade Unlisted (TU) is not a stock exchange, trading platform, or online marketplace for buying or selling unlisted shares, luxury assets, or real estate. We are not regulated by SEBI, IRDAI, RERA, or any other regulatory authority.
Our primary focus is to provide informational insights on unlisted companies, startups, luxury assets, and real estate. We do not offer investment advice, guarantees, or warranties regarding any asset class. Investing in unlisted equities and alternative assets involves significant risk and is suitable only for accredited high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) with a long-term investment outlook. Investors may face capital loss and should conduct their own due diligence and consult financial advisors before making any decisions.
The content on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any assets. Market trends and data interpretations are illustrative and do not guarantee future performance.
TU is neither a stock exchange nor does it intend to be recognized as one under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. We are not authorized to solicit investments, and the securities or asset classes discussed are not traded on regulated exchanges.
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Premier Destinationfor News and Insights on Unlisted Shares, Emerging Startups, Luxury Assets, and Real Estate.
Unlisted shares or stocks are those which are not traded on any formal stock exchanges such as the Bombay Stock Exchange or Metropolitan Stock Exchange. These shares may belong to either early-stage or late-stage companies with a disruptive business model. Some examples of unlisted companies are OYO, Bira91, SBI Mutual Fund etc.
Unlisted Shares are available for Transact on the TradeUnlisted platform via both our website and mobile application. TradeUnlisted is not a stock exchange or an advisiory platform. We can try sourcing illiquid stocks for you. Step 1: Sign up on our platform by providing your mobile number and entering the OTP (One Time Password). Step 2: Browse through the Unlisted on the platform and select the ones that align with your investment goals and risk appetite. Step 3: Click on ‘Know More’. Step 4: Our RM will connect with you
There is no restriction on transfer of unlisted shares until IPO Cut-off date which is generally a week before listing. However, after listing the SEBI norms shall be applicable to these shares. As per SEBI regulations, all shares shall go into lockin for a period of 6 months from the date of listing. The lock-in period shall be 1 year for companies whose DRHP has been filled before the 13th of August, 2021.
Your stocks are held in your CDSL or NSDL Demat Accounts. If you don’t have one, we will help you open it.
A CML or a is a document of your demat account provided by the depository, which contains complete information of the client such as client ID, DP ID, first holder name, PAN, nominee, contact details, address, bank account linked with DP etc. It is useful for transfer of (or buying and selling) unlisted shares. You will have received a hard or soft copy of your CML when the demat account was opened. If you do not have a CML copy, you can call or email your depository. The transfer of shares can either be CDSL to CDSL (intra depository) or CDSL to NSDL (inter depository).