Trade Unlisted (TU) is not a stock exchange (an online platform for buying or selling unlisted shares, or an advisory service), nor is it regulated by SEBI. We provide information on unlisted startup companies but do not offer investment advice, guarantees, or warranties regarding unlisted shares.
Investing in unlisted equities is high-risk and suitable only for accredited high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) with a long-term investment horizon. There is a possibility of capital loss, and investors must conduct their own due diligence and consult financial advisors before making any decisions.
The information on this website is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice, nor should it be considered a recommendation or offer to buy or sell any unlisted share or investment product. Investing in private markets carries risks, including potential capital loss, and past performance does not guarantee future results. Market trends and data interpretations provided are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect actual future performance.
TU is neither a stock exchange nor does it intend to be recognized as one under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. It is not authorized to solicit investments, and the securities discussed are not traded on any regulated exchange. While we strive to keep the information accurate and up to date, we do not make any representations or warranties regarding its completeness, accuracy, or reliability. Any reliance placed on such information is at the user's own risk.